Saturday 16 April 2011

Obligatory 1st Post


Welcome to my blog, I've set this up to document/show triumphs/moan about my sewing life. (Occasionally there maybe other non-sewing related things depending on how excited I get).

I suppose I should introduce myself really hadn't I?
I'm Kirsty, avid sewer of all things fabricy (not a word I know).  I began sewing around 3 years ago when I was going to a LARP event with my better half.  For those who don't know what the heck LARP is I give you a brief explanation: You dress up as something and run around a field drinking and hitting things with pretend weapons (ok not an exact explanation but that is what I do there) Anyway I spent forever searching the internet for something to wear, but everything was so damned expensive.  So after a while I though why don't I make something, so I did
I was so impressed with myself that I carried on making things whenever the dressing up occasion called for it.  It's so much cheaper and a lot more satisfying than just buying something. Unfortunately I don't have any great pictures of the things on but here are some costume bits I've made

So there I was happily sewing bits and bobs for costumes until I was searching for something to wear to the works Christmas party. Trawling around the shops thinking if only that was in a different colour and Oooh I like the fabric shame about the style. Then it hit me, why don't I make my own dress.
Sorry no picture of me in it again...
Since then I've slowly been getting the bug for sewing more and more, and now I just keep trying to think of things to make and reading other peoples blogs for inspiration.  I've ventured into more clothes and also bags and somewhere along the reading of blogs I stumbled upon The Sew Weekly, what a treat and just what I was looking for, weekly challenges to make something along a theme and a fantastic sewing community.  So I joined up and I'm now on my 3rd week and really enjoying it as it helps the bug, and they say it takes 3 weeks for something to become a habit so I hope it does :)  The other good thing is the lovely ladies there are meeting up in London on my Birthday! WOO!!!

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